Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Holiday racing

I'm running a half marathon tomorrow, on Thanksgiving Day. What possessed me to take on this feat, I'm not sure, but I guarantee it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I've run half marathons before, and I ran 14 miles last Saturday. I can totally handle the mileage, and I love racing, especially with one of my favorite running partners. The thing is, it's a holiday, and Thanksgiving dinner is at my house. So, add to the race nerves and preparation all the cooking and cleaning, and you have a recipe for my crazy alter ego to come shining through.

My husband stepped up for me today. He kind of took over with the cleaning and let me cook, and with minimal complaining about my choosing to do a race on both our families' biggest holiday. Plus he always does the turkey. There are two things I'm so bad at that I concede to him every time, painting a room and cooking the holiday bird. I made sweet potato soufflé, cornbread stuffing, green beans and pumpkin pie. There will be plenty of food, and plenty of family togetherness.

I don't think I'll do another holiday race again, at least not while my kids are little and our families are getting together still, but I want that triple peach medal. So, off to bed and then off to the races.

Happy thanksgiving!

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