Saturday, December 27, 2014

Not your average sleep wear

I think I was feeling Christmasy.
I bought a new running outfit a couple weeks ago. I ordered it on sale with a coupon code from a cyber Monday deal I took advantage of last month. I've been stoked to wear it, but I haven't been able to run in what seems like forever (see last post). I laid it out in hope of an opportunity to throw it on and hit the pavement, but the moment never came. So, I decided to sleep in it, and by that I mean toss and turn until just before my alarm goes off. It was good for that, super soft and warm.

Oh, those blissful final moments of perfect sleep you wish could start sooner and last your entire night rather than just the last ten minutes before that horrificly annoying sound (I've tried several, doesn't matter which one, they're all awful) pierces through the silent warmth to jar you awake and remind you of all the reasons you absolutely have to get out of bed, that new outfit made those sweet minutes a little more heavenly, and the ones spent stumbling blindly across the floor to the bathroom seriously contemplating 'unschooling' my children a little more bearable.

Maybe that company should make pajamas. They do make a running onesie. Maybe that will be my next running purchase, but for sleeping.

Maybe I'll get a run in today. Who knows. I do know what I'll be wearing if I do, though.

Happy running.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Running ragged

A pic of one of the days this month that I actually left the house
in my pajamas, something my younger less stressed self
would have cringed and wagged a finger at.

I committed to a running streak at Thanksgiving. It makes me laugh now. Running streak? How about a lazy streak? I can handle that. Well, it's not really a lazy streak, just a no running streak which has lead to a crazy streak, a junk food streak, and an 'I couldn't sleep if I tried' streak. December is not the month for me to attempt to run every day. I think maybe next year I'll try a more attainable streaking goal like 'be exhausted every minute of every day for a month straight' streak, or maybe 'get your kids out the door but forget to brush your own teeth or comb your own hair' streak. Those I could do no problem during a month like December.

I ran 113 miles in November. I was averaging around 30 miles a week minus the week of Thanksgiving. Last week I ran a total of 5 miles. 5 miles! This week, I haven't run a single mile. Not 1! I am totally exhausted, though, and oddly enough, some of the muscles in my legs are sore. I'm thinking atrophy from lack of use.

I've been so busy I have barely slept more than 6 hours a night, if that, and those weren't consecutive hours. I was doing good to get one good meal a day. The other meals were on the fly and if they contained any real food at all it probably came from a drive through or a microwave. Or Starbucks. I love Starbucks. I have survived on Chai Lattes this month. I was so stressed out with all the Holiday preparations and kid stuff that comes with this 'happiest time of the year' I cried a lot, and I'm not a crier. At this very moment, I literally feel like every ounce of energy has been drained from my body. I feel worse than I did the day after my marathon. For real.

This is the part where I'm supposed to say it was all worth it to see the sweet smiles on my kids' faces, and I do love that. They are very happy, and I've heard each one of them say that this Christmas was the best one ever, something they seem to say every year. I really do love that, and I want them to have those precious memories even if it means I have to kill myself to give it to them. However, last night as I laid down to sleep, I found myself dreaming ahead to the Christmas Eve after Santa and the Elf on the Shelf have long been forgotten. When the presents are smaller and fewer, albeit more expensive, so they don't require staying up until 3 am assembling and wrapping. When I get to hang out with them watching stupid Christmas movies and laughing into the night, and when I get to sleep in before waking to cook the monster Christmas breakfast that I hope will continue to be a tradition long after all the 'kiddie stuff' has lost it's luster. I found myself looking forward to a Christmas morning I might be able to go for a guilt free run before settling in for a day of food and family. I found myself longing for the kind of Christmas Eve I remember from my teen years, and then I caught myself dreaming about the kind of young adults they will be. Then I got excited about getting to know them all over again.

I know I hear older moms say to cherish these moments even when they get out of control because they will be gone in a flash, but I think that's part of this life stage. It's chaos, and I'm just trying to survive it. I'm starting to think that the ability to truly appreciate it comes AFTER it's gone. Looking back at my teen years, I get nostalgic thinking of Holidays with my family members who are no longer with us. It's crazy the silly details I remember and cherish. If you had asked me to appreciate those moments then, I wouldn't have known how. I didn't know that would be the last Christmas with that family member or that we wouldn't all be together like that again. It was all life as usual, but now I can look back and remember with so much more appreciation and fondness for a life stage I wasn't particularly good at (seriously, I was SO glad to kiss that one goodbye).

So, on that quiet Christmas morning a few years from now as I'm running and enjoying my new found freedom to do so even on a holiday, I can look back and reminisce over all the crazy Christmases that lead up to that one and truly appreciate them...finally.

And, as I'm currently being pulled into the family room for another board game that might just set this growing headache into a full blown migraine, I'll leave you with a thought. I believe in being present and doing your best to enjoy life. I believe even when it's uncomfortable and tough, you should do your best for those little monsters that stole your youth and your cool. But, when providing a merry Christmas or a happy birthday sucks your personality dry and drains you of all your strength, I think it's ok to say that, too.

Here's to finishing off this year in a blur, and beginning the next one with big plans and lots of hope for a very different ending.

Happy Holidays, and happy running.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December Sucks...

... all my time away.

I think I need this costume.

I broke my running streak, and I mean REALLY broke it. I went days without a run. I just could NOT make it happen. I'm literally going from before sunrise to well after sunset, approximately 18 hours a day. Homeschooling two of my kids three days a week, getting those two to school prepared and covered two days a week, getting my other child to and from his full time school every day, projects, papers, parties, events, activities, the cleaning, the laundry, the clothing and feeding of said children, ALL the driving, all the 'Mommy!'s and 'I can't find my _____'s, the teacher gifts, the advent calendar, that @#$% elf on the shelf (yes, I caved into the requests for a creepy elf), it's enough to make anyone go bonkers. On top of it all, my husband is the chair on a charity board. Their main fundraiser (which is absolutely amazing) is a 10 night event running all the way up to the eve of Christmas Eve requiring weeks before to set up. He is pretty much only home to sleep in December. So, I'm on my own.

The month of December is really good for one thing, making me better appreciate the struggle single moms go through. God bless them and help them, this time of year especially.

I know they say, "if you really want to, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." Yeah, well, that person should come take care of my kids and responsibilities so I can 'find a way' to run.

All of that to say, I've decided December is not a good month for streaking, the running kind or the naked kind, brrr. ;-) So, I'll get back to it after the New Year rolls in. On that note, I'm in the market for a new favorite Holiday. I'm thinking maybe Presidents Day, or OOOH! Maybe St. Patrick's Day, since one side of my mom's family is Irish. I'm open to suggestions, if you're one of those people I used to think were mean old Grinches, and you prefer another holiday, let me know which one and why. If you drive by my house in March and see green lights and a huge shamrock in my yard, you'll know that I made my decision, and I'm trying to have a fun, stress free holiday to replace Thanksgiving and Christmas, a holiday when I can run and not have to do it at midnight on my treadmill all alone.

Happy holidays, and happy running.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Milk, honey and Epsom salt

Today was a productive day. I got 6 miles in this morning, ran by the grocery store, prepared dinner and threw it in the crock pot, then headed up the stairs to relax. I had a milk, honey and Epsom salt bath calling my name, and soaking in a bath isn't something you can do with a 5 year old in the house. So, this is something that must be done while the kids are in school.

My ugly running feet look better covered in bubbles. :-)

I had my chai, my tunes and these awesome bubbles. All is good as long as I keep my eyes closed.

Queen Elsa and Queen Elinor hanging out in the buff.

My view? Naked barbies and a messy counter. Not exactly relaxing, but a five year old princess lives here and prefers my tub, even though she has one in her room, because mine has a better window.

It was nice to soak my tired legs and relax, even with the toys and mess. Tomorrow, an easy 4 miles on the treadmill. I might need a whole other kind of relaxation after that. ;-)

Happy running.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Streaking is overrated

So, I'm all set for my Winter streak. Been logging the miles since Thanksgiving. Running through the half marathon recovery pain and food comas, keeping it real. Then the endless party that is my husband's family's Thanksgiving weekend got the best of me. His sisters and their families come in from out of state and stay from Thursday to Sunday. It is food, fun, shopping, and lots of laughter the WHOLE weekend. Always a blast. Always over too soon. I don't know that I even thought about running yesterday, except when I was getting ready for dinner. I remember thinking I would be sweating off that makeup soon. Then the final meal and sad goodbyes gave way to tree hunting and mad decorating with my littles. I went to bed without laying out my kiddo's clothes, making lunches and almost without setting my alarm. When I woke up, the FIRST thing that popped into my head was, "Aaaaagh! I didn't run yesterday." Then I spent a little time regrouping, laughing at myself and deciding my streak will just have to be December 1st through New Years'. I can handle that, well barring a Christmas debacle. That Holiday, believe it or not isn't quite as busy for us.

So, new plan. I plan to run every day from today to January 1st. Maybe I can keep up with it this time.

Off I go. 4 miles on my treadmill. [sarcastic] Wahoo! It still counts. ;-)